Zack and Billy

Zack and Billy

Zack and Billy*

Meet Zack and Billy, a set of smiley twin boys who like cuddles from their foster parents.


10 months


White British


Birth parents celebrate Christian festivals such as Christmas and Easter

Keeping in touch:

Indirect contact with birth parents. Ongoing contact with siblings placed with another adopter.

*Based on real children’s profiles. Names and photos have been changed to protect their identity.

About Us

Zack enjoys playing with a wide variety of toys including any that light up and make a noise! He also likes exploring his environment now that he is more mobile. Zack can sit up independently, pull to standing and crawls commando style. He is becoming more adventurous now he can manoeuvre around his surroundings.

Zack sleeps well and has a good appetite; he enjoys home cooked foods and eats well.

Brother Billy also enjoys playing with light up toys that make lots of noise! He also likes playing outside, watching children’s TV and listening to music.

Developmentally, Billy sits independently. He can crawl, pull himself up to standing supported by the furniture, and cruise around the furniture. He is also showing signs of confidence to take his first steps.

Billy also sleeps well, sleeping through the night. He too as a good appetite preferring home cooked meals.


The twins were born a few weeks prematurely and were cared for on the neo-natal unit for their first few weeks. Due to their mother’s suspected drug misuse in pregnancy, the twins received toxicology screening after they were born and found to have traces of drugs in their system.

Both children are described as alert and interactive children with no current health concerns.

Could you be Zack and Billy’s family?

Zack and Billy need an adoptive family that can welcome them both, put their needs first and care for them into adulthood. They are also looking for a family that will help them to have contact with their siblings placed with other adopters.

To find out more about Zack and Billy and the children currently waiting to be adopted, please contact us.

Get the facts from us, contact us today or call us on 01902 55 3818.